Booking Made Simple!
1. Choose Your Plays. Comedy or tragedy – our productions
are offered during both semesters of the school year.
2. Choose Your Dates. Check the play pages and call or email
the Box Office for current availabilities. Morning and afternoon
shows are available.
3. Choose Your Seats. The Toronto Centre for the Arts has two
seating sections. Tickets are priced accordingly. Call right away for
your best choice of seats.
4. Choose Your Program. Performance Package, Masterclass
Program, Full Day Program, or In-School Program.
Call for details!
All tickets include a full-scale performance in CTP's
signature style and a post-show Q&A period. More
Full Day Program
Your ticket price plus $11 per student includes a
two-hour workshop before or after the show. More
Masterclass Program
Your ticket price plus $7 per student includes a
one-hour workshop before or after the show. More
In-School Program
Call the box office to arrange a performance of
The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged),
or Twelfth Night at your school. Prices vary
based on group size. Limited availability. More